Barr al-Fadi salam

The Land and the People

The Geography of Vindarten

The Geography of Barr al-Fadi

The Gods of Barr al-Fadi

Calendar and Currency

Our Story So Far...


The Land and the People
Barr al-Fadi
Barr al-Fadi (lit. "The Empty Land") is an arid region of central Vindarten, bounding to the northeast by Kalishan, to the northwest by Amshir, to the west by the Gates of Arjen (the eastern entrance to the Sindarin kingdom of Ardenor), to the south by the Kahliopsis (the land of the dreaded Yikaria), and to the southeast and east by the Pillars of the Sky (a rugged range of mountains.)

The central portion of Barr al-Fadi is al-Karag (also known as "the Pit of Karag", "the Anvil" and a number of less complimentary names.) This area is a desolate, inhospitable arid region, with varying terrain including leagues of rolling sand dunes, rocky playas, broken plains covered with cactus and creosote brush and interrupted by wadis. Average annual rainfall is less than 5 inches. Summer temperatures range from the low 50's at night to over 110° F. during the heat of the day. However, in the winter, it is not uncommon for the night time temperatures to drop below freezing.

While rain is rare, wind is not. Frequent, suffocating sand and dust storms can spring up without warning and can be fatal if shelter is not found quickly.
Shadazar (also known as "The City of Power", "The City of Intrigue", and "The Dark City") is the capital of Barr al-Fadi. Here, in an alabaster palace, on an obsidian throne, resides Calipha Kaylia al Asadina, the Most Wise, Pillar of the Land, True Defender of the Faithful, Leopard of the Desert, Guardian of the Realm, Beloved of the Gods, Wielder of the Ebony Scimitar, Sovereign of the Peoples of Barr al-Fadi (although she is called many other names in hushed, fearful voices.) She rules the land with an iron fist and a well-disciplined army. It is whispered in the coffee houses and market stalls that she is also a powerful sorceress and is over 100 years old, although she appears to be a raven-haired beauty in her early thirties.

Tajjara (also known as "The City of Sails", "The City of Trade", and "The White City") is the largest coastal urban center near Barr al-Fadi. While it is technically a part of the realm, Emir Karim 'Abd al-Aziz and his populace pay only lip service to the rule of Shadazar. Privately, the Emir thinks of Tajjara as his city and its people his subject to do with as he wishes. His naval vessels do little to give lie to the name "the Wild Coast" applied to this region. Indeed, those self-same ships are known to exact "sea-lane taxes" from merchant ships that ply the southern coastal waters.

Genosha (also known as "The City of Iron", "The City of Fire", and "The Red City") is the undisputed hub of industry in Barr al-Fadi. It is also the most oppressive and dark city on the continent. Thousands of slaves die in the Genoshan iron mines every year, and the clouds of dust and smoke from the smelters and forges of the city can be seen over a days travel away. Genosha is governed by the masters of the Ikhwân al Lahîb Sahîh ("Brotherhood of the True Flame"), a council of seven elemental fire mages. This council, known as the Crucible, is led by the archmage Mash'al ibn Munir al-Khalid (aka "The Whirlwind of Flame".)

Al Jarii
Al Jarii (also known as "The City of Mists", "The City of the Wall", and "The Blue City") is the western bastion of Barr al-Fadi. It is the center of commerce in the west, build against the western Wall of the Karag (a rocky cliff face towering hundreds of feet above the desert) and adjacent to the Waq'a al-Raim (the "Waterfall of Clouds") where the Naher al-Sharif thunders over a 300 foot drop. The ruler of Al Jarii, Emir Rashid Zafar ibn Jinan al-Da'ud, is arguably the most benevolent lord of all the major cities in the realm. He leaves his citizens to go about their business largely undisturbed, maintains order with his troops, and exacts (for the most part) reasonable taxes and tariffs. Beyond Waq'a al-Raim, the Naher al-Sharif becomes the Tavonni River, as it flows west past the City of Oudina and eventually reaches the Gulf of Narsay.
Kalishan is a vast, savannah-covered region northeast of the Karag, populated by numerous nomadic tribes, and with very few settlements.

Northwest of Barr al-Fadi, the desert gives way to juniper breaks and thin pine forests, interspersed with an occasional grove of aspen where water is available. Beyond, the shores of the lifeless Lake of Amshir stretch northward to the Rigga Desert.
Ha'lil is one of the two major "free cities" in the region (Tindel being the other.) It is ruled by an elected governor (currently Mistress Abia al-Hadeel, a swordswoman of some note) and a council of six representatives (one from each ward in the city.)
Tindel is Ha'lil's sister city to the south. Due to it's proximity to the eastern entrance of Ardenor, Tindel has a much higher percentage population of elves than other cities in this region. Like Ha'lil, Tindel is a center of trade. Unlike Ha'lil, Tindel is governed by a council of guildmasters and businessmen. Their decisions frequently reflect what is best for business, rather than what is best for the populace. In spite of this, Tindel is a reasonably safe and comfortable place.
Ardenor is often referred to as "The Thousand Mile Valley", and with good reason. The fortress land of the Sindarin stretches from the Gates of Arjen in the east to the Sindarin capitol of Elenassi Talabrintarion in the west, almost 1,500 miles. Home and haven to most of the sylvan races and creatures, this is the most protected realm in all of Vandhar. It is also the most difficult to visit, for the Sindarin value their privacy above all else and only the very foolish would attempt entry without an invitation.

The Kahliopsis
A beautiful land of rolling grassy plains broken by frequent copses of trees, the Kahliopsis would be a welcome region were it not for the constant danger of the Yikaria, the diabolical Yak Men of Ranthamboor. The Kahliopsis is broken into four roughly equal tracts by the three branches of the mighty Nogaro River and the rugged canyons containing them. To the south, the land falls away over The Edge of the World, a sheer scarp dropping almost 5,000 feet to the land below.
Home of the Yikaria, this massive city of grey stone and twisting shapes seems to defy the very laws of Euclidian geometry. Home to many thousands of the Yak Men, it also houses five to six times as many slaves, all of human, demihuman, or humanoid origin. To be a slave of the Yikaria is to live under the constant threat of grisly death, for Yak Men live for the acquisition of knowledge and might dissect a living subject merely to observe the emotional response. To them, slave and laboratory animal are one in the same.

Last updated on 7 November 2014.